Empowering future champions of fiscal transparency: The online course Advancing Fiscal Transparency for Development

Blogpost By: Juan Andrés Roeschmann

December 2024

Why should we care about increasing fiscal transparency?


Research shows that greater transparency in the use of public resources leads to more efficient allocation, improving  people’s quality of life. Transparency reduces investment risks, encouraging financial institutions to engage, while open contracting processes decrease the likelihood of corruption. Debt transparency too, contributes to more sustainable fiscal management, towards longer term economic stability.


We thus need champions of fiscal transparency in every country and across all sectors— ministries of finance, government agencies, legislatures, supreme audit institutions, development cooperation partners, civil society, and the public. Together, these advocates can drive the creation of more transparent, responsive budgets that better address societal needs. 


Bridging the knowledge gap: GIFT’s online course


For years, accessing comprehensive tools and resources on fiscal transparency had been somewhat of a challenge. Information was scattered, and there wasn’t a comprehensive source that brought key information together in one place.  To bridge this gap, GIFT developed the Advancing Fiscal Transparency for Development online course. Due to  strong demand the course is now available in English, French, Spanish, and soon in Arabic.


Drawing on the rich diversity of the GIFT network, the course features expert insights from international organizations and GIFT stewards who have driven fiscal transparency policies and practices across the globe. The course is fully asynchronous, covering the meaning of fiscal transparency, why it is important, who the key players are, norms and best practice standards, how fiscal transparency is measured and how it can be improved.


Be certified, be recognized!


All individuals who pass the course receive a certificate, demonstrating their interest and knowledge in the subject. Additionally, in 2025 GIFT will hold awards ceremonies to recognize the institutions and countries with the highest number of course graduates. High-performing graduates will also be recognized.


By integrating the course into your organization’s training programs, forming a partnership with us, or encouraging more participants, you can boost your chances of recognition—and more importantly, set an international example for advancing fiscal transparency.

Thanks to the generous support of the U.S. Department of State, registration for this course is entirely free.

We invite all those interested in taking the Advancing Fiscal Transparency for Development online course to register at the following link: https://aftx.learning.fiscaltransparency.net/


We would be honored to see you in the online course!